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Denture of the future (Lukket for tilmelding)

tors. 27. apr.


Cuxhaven VOCO's hovedkvarter

Digital workflow, subtractive meets additive

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Denture of the future (Lukket for tilmelding)
Denture of the future (Lukket for tilmelding)

Tid og sted

27. apr. 2023, 19.00 CEST – 29. apr. 2023, 10.00 CEST

Cuxhaven VOCO's hovedkvarter, Anton-Flettner-Straße 1-3, 27472 Cuxhaven, Tyskland


"In this lecture the basics of the digital workflow will be explained based on the additive and subtractive production of denture bases and denture teeth. The lecturer Tim Hark (Dental Technician) provides

an overview about the common materials classes that are used and explains in which situation which material is best to use.

Become a manufacturer of a digitally fabricated prosthesis and work with the VOCO CediTEC system during the practical part of the event."



Anton-Flettner-Straße 1-3




27/04 at 19.30: Dinner at Hotel-strandperle

28/04 at 08.15-15.00: Course at VOCO headquarters

28/04 at 19.00: Networking dinner at Bjorn’s restaurant

29/04 Departure


2600 DKK for 1 accomodation

3600 DKK for 2 accomodations

Lecture hours: 6 hours

Please note: The price is including restaurant and accomodation costs

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