Stift- og opbygning HANDS-ON KURSUS - Sabro
man. 26. aug.
|Sabro Kro
Dette hands-on kursus giver et overblik over de forskellige arbejdsmetoder og demonstrerer fordelene ved post-endodontisk behandling med glasfiberstifter.

Tid og sted
26. aug. 2024, 18.00 – 21.00
Sabro Kro, Viborgvej 780, 8471 Sabro, Danmark
Stift- og opbygning HANDS-ON KURSUS
Hvornår kan man bruge en glasfiberstift?
Hvornår er det den bedste løsning?
Er der alternativer til den klassiske stift?
hvad skal man huske på, når man laver en opbygning med stift?
Hvordan gør man?
At lære grundlæggende materialevidenskab og håndtering og brug af produkterne. Som et resultat af denne træning vil deltagerne være i stand til at håndtere de nødvendige teknikker til placering af glasfiberstifter og opbygning.
Kurset er lavet i samarbejde med VOCO.
På dette kursus kommer vi omkring teorien og det praktiske som cementering af stift og opbygning.
Du får mulighed for både, at arbejde med den klassiske koniske stift og de nye GT-stifter fra VOCO
I hands-on vil der blive undervist i Rebilda Post og Rebilda GT.
kl. 17.30 - 18.00 Let forplejning
kl. 18.00 - 19.30 Teorien
kl. 19.30 - 19.45 Kaffe og kage
kl. 19.45 - 20.45 Hands-on øvelser
Kl. 20.45 - 21.00 Spørgetid og afslutning
Mere info om materialerne:
Rebilda Post GT - Core Build-Up | VOCO GmbH
Rebilda Post - Core Build-Up | VOCO GmbH
Kurset er på engelsk
Kursusgiver er Dr. Mattias Mehring
Varighed: 3 kursustimer
Kurset er inkl. let forplejning
Ved tilmelding bestiller man en refill NEW: Rebilda DC QM fluorescent af 890,- (kun en pr. klinik, hvis I er flere fra samme klinik)
Rebilda DC - Core Build-Up | VOCO GmbH Verdensnyhed som lyser op ved brug af UV-lys
Rebilda DC fluorescent er det eneste materiale til både opbygning og cementering af stift med fluorescens.
Materialet fluorescerer og bliver synligt under UV-A lys.
Det betyder, at overskydende materiale og opbygningsmargener er tydeligt genkendelige, især på dybe subgingivale niveauer,
hvilket gør kerneopbygning meget lettere for tandlægen.
Post endodontic treatment with glass fibre reinforced composite posts
When is the placing of a post indicated and which kind of a post is the best solution in post endodontic treatment? Are there alternatives for root canals with unusual geometries and large conicities? Which acuteness has to be considered during the luting in the root canal and what has to be kept in mind when building up a tooth stump? This training provides an overview of currently available posts and demonstrates the advantages of post endodontic treatment with glass fibre reinforced composite posts. Composites are established restoratives but without them is not to be thought of in dental practice. These state of the art products, containing nano particles and optimized resin mixtures, come with excellent physical properties and are able to mimic the dental hard tissue very good. The reinforcement of composites with glass fibres improves the tensile and flexural strength and thus allows the use a root post. Moreover, this training explains the revolutionary approach of a bundle of glass fibre posts, which makes their use inside root canals with special geometries and different diameters possible. Special attention is paid to the luting of posts and the core build up. The aim of this course is to teach the attendees basics in related material science and the handling and use of the products. As an outcome of this training, the attendees are able to handle the necessary techniques of placing glass fibre posts and it avoids any potential uncertainties during the different application steps.
Dr Mehring studied chemistry at Oldenburg University and he was awarded with the diploma in 2007. Subsequently he carried out his doctoral thesis in the field of theoretical chemistry and obtained his PhD in2011. Dr Mehring was lecturing during his PhD within the research association “Center of Interface Science” and supervised students in research and creating their master thesis.
In his own research Dr Mehring focussed on quantum chemistry and quantum dynamics, combined with detailed insights in subatomic particle properties, as well as on scientific programming in combination with high-performance computing.
For his outstanding activities Dr Mehring was awarded with the 1st price of the Symposium on Theroretical Chemistry in 2008. Due to his theoretical-chemical background, Dr Mehring is an expert in the field of complex structure correlations and activities, as well as their micro- and macrokinetic processes on interfaces and surfaces. Dr Mehring works for VOCO since 2011.
Dr Mehring is lecturing since 2007. In doing so he taught students of different specializations at Oldenburg University in the fields of nano-technology and materials science, physical chemistry, quantum chemistry and scientific programming.
In dentistry, he puts his focus on composite- and ORMOCER®-based restoratives in combination with classical and universal adhesive systems. A further subject in which he is an expert is the “general chemistry of the teeth”. As a natural scientist, Dr Mehring is absolutely familiar with the material’s background and composition of all dental material classes, though he always combines the contents of his lectures with practical reference to dentistry and the daily work of the dentist.