"The One" med Mindaugas Kudelis HANDS-ON KURSUS
fre. 22. nov.
|Comwell Copenhagen Portside
Skal dine plastfyldninger nå nye højder? Så kom med til "The One Composite Course" med Mindaugas Kudelis som er internationalt anerkendt tandlæge og foredragsholder med speciale i kompositfyldninger, guidet implantatkirurgi og indirekte restaureringer

Tid og sted
22. nov. 2024, 09.00 CET
Comwell Copenhagen Portside, Alexandriagade 1, 2150 København, Danmark
2 dages komposit kursus "The One" bestående af Modul 1 og 2 med internationalt kendte Mindaugas Kudelis.
Det er muligt at tilmelde sig kun det ene eller andet Modul.
Vi har fået mulighed for at give jer endnu flere effektive timers hands-on på dette kursus.
Det betyder at du får tilsendt link til en optaget udgave af teoridelen 14 dage før kursusstart, som du kan se, når det passer dig. Derfor vil der under de 2 kursusdage være meget mere tid til at fokusere på hands-on. Win/win!
Undervisningen foregår på engelsk. Se mere info om de 2 Moduler herunder.
22. november 2024
Anatomy of a great filling Understanding occlusal morphology Class I fillings are the basic backbone of restorative dentistry. So simple, yet so complex. Whether you are dealing with big MOD cavity and convert to class II, evaluating labwork for indirects or closing screw access hole of an implant - class I is there to deal with.
• Occlusal morphology - simplifying it enough for everyday fillings.
• Composite layering and manipulation techniques.
• Basic/primary and complex/secondary morphology in direct restorations
• Finishing and polishing
Practice on the standardised models, recreating both primary and secondary anatomy of posterior occlusal surfaces.
Full day module consists of 8 exercises.
TIMELINE 9:00 - 11:00 Lecture 11:00 - 13:00 Practice 14:00 - 18:00 Practice
23. november 2024
CLASS II Class II restorations on the other hand are often encountered, and difficult to manage. Module II is designed heavily on hands on part. Building up a skill to choose, position and adapt the matrix, and build up a proximal wall that will act as a good foundation for further restorative steps.
• Prep design
• Matrix/ring/wedge selection and customisation
• Proximal wall build up techniques
• Finishing and polishing/contouring
Cavity prep and refinement, choice of matrix and wedge, proximal build up techniques.
Participants of a full day course are expected to carry out 6-8 exercises.
TIMELINE 9:00 - 11:00 Lecture 11:00 - 13:00 Practice 14:00 - 18:00 Practice
Mindaugas Kudelis - General Dentist - Lithuania Internationally recognised dentist and lecturer who specialises in composite fillings, guided implant surgery and indirect restorations. Lecturing and running hands on courses focused heavily on skill and practice. Currently running posterior part of THE ONE COMPOSITE COURSE. Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, masters degree in dentistry, general dentist qualification - 2013. University of Helsinki, Erasmus programme. January - April 2012. Work experience - working in a small family run practice in Vilnius. Educator in RIPE Global cloud based dental education platform.
Tid og Sted:
Fredag d. 22. november Modul 1
Lørdag d. 23. november Modul 2
Comwell Copenhagen Portside
Alexandriagade 1
2150 Nordhavn
DKK 14900,- med forplejning inkl. netværksmiddag kl. 19.00 fredag d. 22. november 2024
(20 kursus timer)
DKK 8900,- med forplejning
(11 kursus timer)
Pris for 3 retters netværksmiddag DKK 450,-
DKK 8900,- med forplejning
(9 kursus timer)
Reservation af værelse:
1200,- pr. nat
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